How to Use Competas Assessment for Recruiting in the Oil and Gas Industry

The oil and gas industry faces unique challenges when it comes to recruiting. The talent pool is smaller than other industries and the talent that is available is often geographically dispersed. Additionally, the work is specialized and technical, which can make finding the right candidates a challenge.

Fortunately, there is a tool that can help recruiters in the oil and gas industry find the right candidates: Competas assessment. Competas assessment is a tool that assesses an individual’s suitability for a specific job. It takes into account both cognitive abilities and personality traits. The assessment is particularly well-suited for positions in the oil and gas industry because it includes a module on safety attitudes and values.

If you’re looking to recruit in the oil and gas industry, Competas assessment can help you find the right candidates for the job. Here’s how: 

  • The first step is to identify the specific competencies that are required for the position you’re trying to fill. This will ensure that you’re evaluating candidates on the right criteria. 
  • Once you’ve identified the specific competencies you’re ready to start assessing candidates! Simply have each candidate take the assessment and then assess their performance on each competency.
  • When you’ve finished assessing all of the candidates, it’s time to make your decision. Choose the candidate who scored highest on the majority of competencies. This individual will likely be best suited for the job. 

Competas assessment is a valuable tool for recruiting in the oil and gas industry. If you’re looking to find the best candidates for your open positions, consider using Competas assessment to assess their suitability for the job.

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