Team management system

Revolutionise Your Workforce Management with the Competas Team Management System

The Competas Team Management System is a cutting-edge digital platform designed to optimise workforce management in the energy industry. With a range of innovative tools and features, our system enables organisations to effectively manage, develop, and deploy their talent to meet the evolving demands of the industry.

Key features

Centralised Talent Database: Consolidate all your talent data into a single, easy-to-use platform, providing a comprehensive view of your workforce's skills, qualifications, and experience.

Customisable Assessment Tools: Create tailored competency and psychometric assessments to evaluate and develop the skills of your workforce, ensuring that your teams are equipped to excel in their roles.

Workforce Planning & Deployment: Seamlessly allocate resources to projects based on skills and experience, placing the right people in the right roles, enabling projects to be completed on time and within budget.

Skills Gap Analysis: Identify areas for development within your workforce and create targeted training and development programs to address these gaps, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Key benefits

Enhanced Workforce Efficiency: Leverage the Competas Team Management System to streamline your talent management processes, reducing administrative overhead and freeing up resources for strategic initiatives.

Informed Decision-Making: Make data-driven decisions about the composition and deployment of your workforce, ensuring that your organisation remains agile and responsive in a competitive market.

Optimised Talent Development: Identify and address the unique development needs of your workforce, fostering a culture of learning and growth that drives long-term success.

Retention & Engagement: Demonstrate a commitment to the ongoing development and success of your employees, fostering a sense of loyalty and engagement that reduces turnover and attracts top talent.
Picture of male construction engineer working on building site

Beyond Competas Assessments

Outside of Competency Assessment, Competas provide additional noteworthy functionality, we're constantly expanding our feature-set


The digital/physical smartcard enables site operators to instantly verify competency

Streamlined checkout

Assessment tokens can be purchased in bulk, and stored for later assignment

Smart dashboard

View all of your candidates, or all of your assessments in one place

Team Viewer

View, search, and sort your entire team via the Competas Team Viewer

Remote or Classroom assessments

Competas can facilitate classroom assessments with secure invigilation, or remote assessments (proctored)

24/7 Secure Remote Assessments

Due to our partnership with Europes leading secure proctoring service, ProctorExam, we can offer assessments globally 24/7